
Friday, May 20, 2011

Artist Recommendation: Renard Queenston

I discovered this guy's work a year or so ago and I've fallen in love with it.  Most of the stuff he puts out I like.  He releases ALOT of free tracks too and posts alot of songs on youtube.  He has a persona for each of the genres he dabbles in but most of the stuff focuses on beats and synthesized sounds.  I personally love his chiptunes persona and game to most of the music:

He just released a new album called "A picture of finn farting".  If that doesn't give you a picture of how much awesome this is, I don't know what will...o wait, the album is technically free too. 

This album is actually a little more "Pop" then I'd like, but the beats are still good.  The website for his label is and you can find most of his albums there at a "name your price" rate.  I highly recommend checking it out.

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